Sunday, December 1, 2013
Be Aware!

Thursday, November 14, 2013
I can be whatever you want.
Friday, November 8, 2013
What does Romans 12:2 mean?!

Thursday, November 7, 2013
I'm in love with a complete stranger !
I'm in love with a man I don't even know. I am starting to realize that I encourage others to read the bible and that I tell others I need to read it more, but I don't do it. And If I happen to pick it up I read a passage I've read before. I've never read any full book of any of the four gospels. That's shameful for being a Christ Follower of 3 years. How can I claim to love someone that I honestly know nothing about. I didn't know His friends. I didn't know what He did day to day. I don't know who He had encounters with. I tell stories I've been told but not read myself. I'm in love with a man I know nothing about.
I randomly started reading some in Luke and the things Jesus was saying made me happy. It related to me and church today. It wasn't just some outdated stories written by old men. He was humorous in some ways and very blunt in others. I'm starting to fall in love with Jesus all over again an I couldn't be more happy. Hold me accountable. I'm going to start from Matthew and going to read all four gospels starting now. That's my goal, God willing ! (:
The Greatest Story Ever Written !
As a writer and reader, I'm always itching for a good story. Something I can loose myself in. I've read books by great authors and books by authors that have lots to improve. But as I sit in my house, cuddled up with a book, I realize that everything around me is apart of this huge beautiful story. GOD'S Story. He took his time to write and work out every detail to our lives. It has loss, happiness, romance, mystery, comedy, and so much more. Don't do what I've done. Don't loose so much of your time wasted in books looking for something. God is all around with a well written book. Start to live it. :)