Well I have been in that state the last few months, yet I wouldn't call it a negative state of mind I had. It was more that I was very okay with the way I was living. I was okay with the friends I had, the way I spent my free time, the less time I spent with God. I was okay with all that, so I am not describing this as a dark, depressed time. It was a time that was "just okay". God got further and further from my everyday life and I slowly felt Him slipping through my fingers. -Let's stop right here and address something. When distance is put between you and God, it is ALWAYS you pulling back. God is constant and reliable. He never leaves nor forsakes you. (Deut. 31:6)-So as I felt God slipping I just let my grip go. It began to get easier and easier to make my own decisions and lived my life for me. Funny, right? We all know that never goes as planned. God being God, He started placing people in my path that needed prayer and guidance. I started going to God on their behalf and started to form that connection again with Him.
After a conversation with a friend recently, their words played in my head over and over. "I never pray for myself-only for other people." I didn't know what to make of that, until I realized that's exactly what I had been doing.
God calls you to shepherd His sheep. Imagine back when King David was a shepherd. He had to physically beat so many wolves, bears, and such to protect the sheep. Could you imagine the difficulty if his arm was in a sling? This is what we are doing to ourselves, when we neglect our Spiritual side. We are disabling ourselves to reach the full potential God is calling us to, when He sends these people our way.
God is calling YOU to a revival right now. He is wakening up our sleeping Spirits.
God I call your Holy Spirit right now. Move throughout Your world. God, open the hearts and minds of everyone that this message reaches. Help them to see You. God, I pray a Heavenly Fire RIGHT NOW to shaken this town up. No more "lukewarm" church goers and no more empty promises. I command right now in the name of Jesus that every chain is broken. Not one more person will be held in bondage tonight. No more bondage of loneliness, no more bondage of floating around lost, no more bondage that separates them from You. You are the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, I pray tonight that you show each one of Your children tonight just how much they mean to You. I know you have felt every tear and every pain. God, comfort Your children tonight. God show us what it is that we must change in our lives. Show us how to get back to You tonight. Not one more day will go by that You aren't glorified. I thank You so much for this revival in my Spirit tonight. I thank You for using me as Your vessel. I love You so much. Amen.It's been almost 11 months since my last post and I am quite ashamed of that. Tonight, God had a word for you so I must obey. I love this feeling of writing again. I love letting God use me to speak to His children.
I encourage each one of you tonight to search your heart. Where are you with your walk? Are you in the state of "it's okay" or is the Holy Spirit waking you up? My prayers are with you all tonight. I am excited to see what God is about to do. Pray with me as God begins to revive this nation. It is time.