About a month ago my 9 year old sister exclaims "when I have a baby with my husband or boyfriend..." I quickly stop her. "No boyfriend. You only have babies with Husbands". Her response? My NINE year old sisters response? "Accidents happen".
She doesn't even know the process to get pregnant!!!
But this corrupted world has taught her "accidents happen".
Now, I'm not old fashioned or anything, but there's still values I hold in this world. And that's one of them.
I begin to question where did we go wrong? Was it the tv shows she watched? Songs she listened to? Or could it possibly be the role models and people she looks up to surrounding her? Regardless where this jaded idea of who having a child with came from, we can all admit it's wrong.
The Bible says "Train up a child in the way [s]he should go; even when [s]he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)
It starts when they're young. Little kids watch and hear everything you say. You must walk in a way that Jesus just radiates off of you.
"To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps." 1 Peter 2:21
If each of us are walking in His steps, than the little kids who watch us should have a great example of how to live. This includes your children, siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, church members, or even strangers in the grocery store. A child is always watching you. Listening to your conversations. Watching your reactions to situations.
This relates to many things. The words that come out of your mouth (cursing, etc). Your reaction to rude people in public. Your physical actions in public. Kids repeat it all.
So I challenge you today-start being aware. Start walking in the light of Jesus so that all of the kids around us are "trained up in the way [s]he should go".
Let's admit it, kids are the next generation. The IT generation. If we don't teach them the right way, our future can only get worse.