Last week I went to pick up the little girl I watch and just like every week she asked me the same question:
Is mommy coming to get me?
Now this question usually aggravates me because she feels the need to ask it every single day multiple times a day. And I always respond with the same thing:
Where is mommy and daddy? At work.
OK! Does mommy and daddy come and get you every day? Yes.
Have they ever forgotten you? No.
Ok. Then they’ll be here soon.
And then she gets this big grin on her face.
Same. Routine. Daily. Lol.
But last week was different. As I went through the same responses I almost heard audibly God laughing in my ear. Laughing AT me!
He said “Dear child, but how different are you?”
And just like anybody getting called out, I got embarrassed and defensive.
How many times do I feel distant from God.
I ask where are you?
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you answer my prayers anymore?
And again and again he says “I have never left you. I never have forgotten you. I am coming for you”.
Talk about a tear jerker.
God loves me. He’s never left nor forgotten me. Me! He loves ME! How can I not get this huge grin on my face? How Can I not get excited. My daddy is coming to get me.
“The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.” Psalm 145:18
GET EXCITED!!! Come on. Quit sitting there. Quit asking where He is. Open your eyes!!! HE IS HERE!!!! God is here!! Hallelujah!!